AŽD Praha begins modernization of the main railway station in Belgrade

The company AŽD Praha signed a contract to deliver and install the station interlocking equipment in Belgrade-Centre, Prokop - the main railway station in Belgrade, Serbian Republic. The total contract value is 4,2 million €.

It was a consortium of six companies that beat other competitors with its lowest offer of 25,773 million € in the tender put out by the Serbian Railways. The consorcium, where AŽD Praha is also a member, is headed by the biggest Serbian construction and technological company Energoproject Holding.

“The Serbian market is very complicated and suffers from the lack of finance for significant investments. However, it is still very popular for all big competitors. This is why we are so delighted by the success we achieved by our win,“ says the Foreign Trade and Marketing Manager of AŽD Praha Petr Žatecký.

The project consists of design, production, supply, installation, testing and commissioning the electronic station interlocking equipment including outdoor elements, such as electromechanical point machines, electrical heating of the points, LED signals and axle counters. It is quite interesting, that part of the outdoor elements will be installed in tunnels and the whole station will be located under a giant concrete plate over which there will be a large commercial centre built by the Serbian Railways in the next couple of years.

“Our cooperation with the Serbian Railways has not finished by this project. There is a plan of modernization of roughly 108 kilometers of the line Niš-Dimitrovgrad amounting to around 200 million EUR and AŽD Praha will be participating in the modernization,“ says Petr Žatecký.
