Success of AŽD Praha in Turkey

AŽD Praha Co. has succeeded in tender for delivery of railway signaling and telecommunication equipment for Hasanbey Logistic Center in Turkey amounting more than 3.4 millions Euros.

AŽD Praha has succeeded in the tender announced by Turkish State Railways (TCDD) in June 2011. Hasanbey is a strategically situated logistic center in central Turkey near of the city Eskisehir with the connection to railway line Ankara-Eskisehir. The Project includes design, manufacture, delivery, installation, power supply, testing and putting into operation of complete signaling and telecommunication system for the safe railway traffic in this logistic center where the speed of trains can reach up to 120km/h.

„We have elaborated a quality offer for the tender which was quite challenging due to short time we had for its preparation. We have won the tender in fierce competition of other five major world producers” says the Commercial Export Director of AŽD Praha, Ing. Petr Žatecký and ads:
“Turkish market is very exacting and we are glad that we have succeeded with our own technical solution which meets the highest European demands for safe railway operation SIL-4. The success in the competition and, of course, quality project realization will create the conditions for gaining of other possible orders in this territory.”

The signature of Contract for Work with TCDD is expected during March 2012 and the works on the project should start till the end of the first quarter of 2012. The whole work should be completed within 360 days.

Author: Jiří Dlabaja
Mobile phone: +420 606 650 834
E-mail: dlabaja.jiri‌‌M‌‌
