Unified European Train Control System in Slovakia will be installed by the AŽD Praha company

The AŽD Praha company signed an important contract in Slovakia. It will deliver the European Rail Traffic Management System ERTMS for the line Bratislava - Žilina - Čadca – state boundary with Czech Republic.

The whole contract has a value of almost 40 mil. EUR, and its installation should take 17 months.

„It is of course an important contract for our company and we are very glad for participation on this project,“ says Zdeněk Chrdle, General Director of AŽD Praha. „We will not work alone on this project, but we will closely cooperate with many Slovak and foreign companies, as for example with German Siemens or Austrian Kapsch. We want to do the job in a perfect quality,“ adds Zdeněk Chrdle.

The construction has been divided in two parts. In the first one, the train control system ETCS of level L2 will be installed on the line Žilina – Čadca – state boundary with CR. The purpose is to build the new interoperable system of management and control of trains´ running. The second part of the contract is the installation of the digital telecommunication system GSM-R on the line Bratislava – Žilina-Čadca-state boundary with CR.

The European Rail Traffic Management System ERTMS is responsible for unifying of train control systems in the area of European Union. The unified European Train Control System ETCS will replace dis-unified train control systems in Europe, which are currently more than twenty. This system will enable running of trains all-over the territory of Europe without the necessity to change tractive vehicles on boundaries of individual states.

Beside the simplification and speedup of international traffic, it is also about the maximum increasing of its safety. "The ETCS system will enable for the trains to run at speeds exceeding 160 km/hour in full safety. For the eventual failure of human factor is completely eliminated, here. In case of the train driver´s failure, the ETCS system will correct the situation or even stop the train," explains the function of ETCS L2 Zdeněk Chrdle.

Author: Jiří Dlabaja
Mobile phone: +420 606 650 834
E-mail: dlabaja.jiri‌‌M‌‌azd.cz
